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  • Édulcorant liquide Stevia cannelle vanille.

    Better Stevia Liquid, Pomegranate Blueberry – 59 ml.


    Édulcorant Liquide Better Stevia, Grenade Myrtille – Pur Plaisir Sans Calories

    Succombez à la tentation sucrée sans l’ombre d’une calorie avec Better Stevia Liquid, Grenade Myrtille. Un must-have pour les amateurs de saveurs naturelles, cet édulcorant liquide de NOW propose une alternative saine et biologique aux sucres et édulcorants artificiels.

    La Douceur Naturelle à l’État Pur

    Better Stevia Liquid, Grenade Myrtille, c’est l’assurance d’un plaisir sucré sans compromis. Avec son index glycémique bas, ce trésor de la nature est l’allié idéal de votre équilibre alimentaire. Sa composition certifiée biologique garantit une pureté et une qualité irréprochables, pour que chaque goutte soit un pur moment de délice.

    Un Bouquet de Saveurs Fruitées

    L’association subtile de la grenade et de la myrtille offre une explosion de saveurs, transformant boissons et desserts en chefs-d’œuvre culinaires. Better Stevia Liquid, Grenade Myrtille, est la touche finale qui enchantera vos papilles sans alourdir votre silhouette.

    Découvrez le plaisir d’une douceur sans calories et faites de Better Stevia Liquid, Grenade Myrtille, votre secret pour une vie délicieusement saine.

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  • Daily Omega Kids, 800mg Omega 3 (Natural Lemon) – 250 ml.


    Food supplement in the form of liquid obtained from wild pelagic fishes (mainly from anchovies) sourced from sustainable fishing practices. Contains essential unsaturated fatty acids (DHA and EPA) in the natural highly absorbable form of triglycerides (TG).

    The proper development of the child depends on the way of nutrition. In order to provide him with what he needs, his diet should not lack omega-3 fatty acids. We are aware that sometimes it is very difficult to encourage a child to eat certain foods. If he avoids eating fish rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids, you can consider supplementing his diet with these valuable ingredients by giving him fish oil with a pleasant natural lemon aroma. Daily Omega Kids contains essential fatty acids that contribute to the proper development of the child’s brain, heart and eyesight.

    Fish oil is the source essential unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which the body of a child and an adult is unable to produce on its own in the right amount for its proper functioning, so we should provide them with food. These acids are extremely important for proper growth and development from an early age, which affects health in adulthood. EPA and DHA acids are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, affect the child’s cognitive functions, correct visual acuity and cardiovascular health. They mediate in maintaining proper blood pressure and affect the functioning of the child’s developing immune system [1]. In order for the brain to develop properly, an adequate intake of DHA is necessary. DHA acids, building into the structure of the eye, contribute to proper vision, which allows you to observe the surrounding world and shape habits by following the behaviour of parents. Together with EPA acid, they contribute to the proper functioning of the child’s heart [2]. The best sources of EPA and DHA are marine fish such as salmon, cod, herring, mackerel and sardines. However, if you are unable to convince your child to consume these products, it is worth considering supplementing with fish oil.

    Our Daily Omega Kids is a food supplement containing oil produced in Norway from wild pelagic fish, mainly anchovies, sourced from sustainable fishing. The product is in liquid form and has a natural lemon flavour that gives it a pleasant taste and makes it easier to take. The oil is rich in essential fatty acids EPA and DHA in a natural and highly absorbable form of triglycerides (otherwise known as TG) for maximum benefits. One teaspoon a day provides 800 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, including min. 350 mg EPA and min. 300 mg of DHA. Take care of the proper development of your child’s brain, heart and eyesight with Daily Omega Kids.

    Why would someone benefit from supplementing with Daily Omega Kids, 800 mg Omega 3?
    – Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contributes to the maintenance of normal brain function and normal vision.
    – Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contribute to the normal function of the heart.

    What is special about Daily Omega Kids, 800 mg Omega 3?
    – Fish oil obtained from wild pelagic fishes (mainly anchovies) sourced from sustainable fishing practices (oil with Friend of the Sea certificate).
    – Highly purified product produced according to the GOED monograph (Global Organisation of EPA and DHA).
    – Contains high concentration 800 mg omega-3 in one portion (of which: 350 mg EPA and 300 mg DHA).
    – Natural lemon flavour.
    – Preservatives, colourants and GMO free.
    – Comfortable flat shaped bottle.
    – Product made in Norway.

    [1] González, F. E., & Báez, R. V. (2017). In Time: Importance of omega-3 in children ‘s nutrition. Revista paulista de pediatria: orgao oficial da Sociedade de Pediatria de Sao Paulo, 35(1), 3–4.;2017;35;1;00018 
    [2] Verduci, E., & Köglmeier, J. (2021). Immunomodulation in Children: The Role of the Diet. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 73(3), 293–298.

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  • Supplément alimentaire liquide Glucosamine Chondroïtine.

    Glucosamine & Chondroitin with MSM Liquid – 473ml.


    Mobilité et Confort, Saveur Citron Exquise

    Soutien articulaire naturel et délicieux – Découvrez la synergie de la Glucosamine, de la Chondroïtine et du MSM dans notre solution liquide rafraîchissante. Un allié quotidien pour vos articulations, ce complément liquide au délicieux goût de citron combine efficacité et plaisir gustatif.

    Formulé scientifiquement pour promouvoir une mobilité articulaire optimale et un confort, notre Glucosamine & Chondroïtine avec MSM liquide NOW est votre partenaire bien-être. Enrichi en Vitamine C et Manganèse, il contribue à la santé de vos structures articulaires. Faites confiance à NOW Foods, votre référence de qualité, avec sa méthode de test de la glucosamine reconnue par l’AOACI.

    Embrassez la variété naturelle avec ce produit aux nuances colorées variables, symbole d’une qualité pure et authentique. Prendre soin de vos articulations n’a jamais été aussi agréable. Intégrez ce trésor nutritif dans votre routine et ressentez le changement!

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